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Islandhopping -
Treasure Hunt

Find your fortune


Your treasure chest is open and inside you have found a few grains of golden sand and a beautiful seashell as well as Islandhopping’s current travel offers.


You may not have found the prize, but perhaps you are now inspired to set sail and see what new adventures you can experience by bike and boat! Click here for some travel inspiration!


Get inspired


Dear Treasure Hunter,


You may not have found any treasure this time, but you have found your way to our website. We hope you will stay a little while longer and let us give you some travel inspiration for your next adventure.


As we care deeply for the environment, we no longer print catalogues and publish all our information and current travel offers exclusively online. Please feel free to visit our website whenever you wish to find out more about our current tours and the latest Islandhopping news.


Would you like to learn more about our diverse destinations, their culture, people, and sights? Then have a read through our new travel blog. We regularly post exciting stories about our destination countries. You will also find interesting accounts and anecdotes about everything that happens behind the scenes at Islandhopping before we invite our guests to join us onboard our boats. Visit the Islandhopping Blog


We look forward to seeing you!


Your Islandhopping Team


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Boaticon on wavy line